Funda Kahn Curriculum Vitae
Funda Kahn, D.D.S., CH, CI
Professional Education:
University of Marmara, Faculty of Dentistry- Istanbul, Turkey, 1979-1986
Specialized in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Leidecker Institute, Hypnotherapy Certification- Elgin, Illinois, 2006
Hypnotherapy Instructor Certification by NGH, Don Mottin, May 2009
Medical Complementary Hypnosis Certification by Scott Giles, November 2009
Medical Hypnotherapy Specialist Certification by Melissa Roth, PhD.
Medical Hypnotherapy Certification by Julie Griffin, 2010
Sacred Connections, LLC College, Emotional Freedom Techniques Certification (EFT)- 2008
EFT Level I-II Certification, EFT Universe, Dr.Dawson Church, Toronto-2010
EFT Level I-II-III Certification, Emotional Health LTD., Gwyneth Moss, EFT Master-2011
Arche International, Dr.Rosita Rodriquez, Huna Philosophy &Mind-Ongoing student since 2009.
Theta Healing Basic DNA Certification Course, Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge, 2013
Accredited Advanced Certified EFT Practitioner by AAMET, 2015
Argosy University, On-line Programs,
Completing Bachelor of Arts in Psychology,

Internships and Continued Education:
PhD Program, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, University of Marmara- Istanbul, Turkey, 1983-1985
Internship in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Clinic at the University of Marmara- Istanbul, Turkey, 1983-1987
Osseointegration (Implantology) Certificate, The Branemark Clinic- Goethebourg, Sweden,
May 20-23, 1986
Internship at the Leidecker Institute, Elgin, Illinois, September 2006- December 2006
Client-Centered Parts Certification In Therapy, Alliance Self-Empowerment, Inc., April 9, 2006
Neuro-Subliminal Communication Certificate, Leidecker Institute, Elgin, Illinois,
September 10, 2006
Pediatric Hypnotism Certification, Leidecker Institute, The Alternative Practitioner Academy, Elgin, Illinois April 29, 2007
Healthcare Specialist Certification Course, Alabama Hypnotherapy Center, October 27, 2007
Mastery Technique Workshop of Hypnosis, National Guild of Hypnotists, Inc., May 3-4, 2008
Body Talk Access Technician, International Body Talk Association, February 23, 2008
First Degree Practitioner in the Reiki method of natural healing, Usui Shiki Ryoho,
February 27, 2008
Stress Management Specialist Certification, by From Stress to Best,Ruth Schneider, October 2013
Advanced Ancestral Clearing Certification, by John Newton-Health Beyon Belief
September 19-20, 2015
Generative Trance Work Certification-Basic Training
by Stephen Gilligan, PH.D.
June 24-29, 2016-2017
Certified Coaches Practitioner Course, by Certified Coaches Federation, Jenna Goodhand
September 11, 2016
Reiki Level II Practitioner Certification, by Dorie Bowlin, RMT
February 4, 2018
Teaching/Lecturing Experience:
Teaching Instructor, University of Marmara, College of Dentistry, Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 1983-1986
Research Assistant to Faculty of Surgery Department, University of Marmara 1987
Instructor of Self-Hypnosis and Emotional Freedom Techniques 2007-present
Certified Hypnosis Instructor with National Guild of Hypnotists
Speaker/Presenter/Workshop Leader at: Mid-America Hypnosis Conference, Inc., Rolling Meadows/Northbrook, Illinois,
October 24-26, 2008,2009,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015
Speaker/Presenter at:
American Council of Hypnotist Examiners
"Parts Therapy Through Inner Child Connection and Ego"
Pasedena, CA
September 19, 2014
Speaker/Presenter at:
International Scientific Congress of Turkish Prosthodonti & Implantology Conference
"Tap into Empowerment with Emotional Freedom Technique(Energy Psychology)"
November 12-15, 2015
Performance Enhancement Coach for National Karate Federation
Championships Houston, Texas (thru North Shore Dojo-Glenview, Illinois) 2008
Professional Membership:
National Guild of Hypnotists
International Medical and Dental Hypnotherapy Association
International Association of Medical and Therapeutic Specialists
National Federation of Hypnotists, OPEIU Local 104 AFL-CIO
Employment History:
Freelance Practicing Oral Surgeon, Various Clinics, Istanbul Turkey, 1986-1988
Surgical Assistant and Implantologist, Office Manager and Marketing Coordinator, Dr. Steven Kahn,
D.D.S., Chicago, Illinois 1988-2015
Assistant Manager, The Fruitful Yield, Inc./Now Foods, Division, Highland Park, Illinois 2001-2002
Practicing Complementary Medical and Clinical Hypnotherapist and EFT Practitioner, 2006-Present
Certificate of Liability Insurance:
Darwin National Assurance Company, American Professional Agency, Inc. Amityville, New York
** All certificates and proof of training are available on request
University of Marmara
, Faculty of Dentistry- Istanbul, Turkey, 1979-1986Specialized in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
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